Saturday, November 14, 2009

The Hangover (2009) Movie Review

The Hangover is something every drinker fears, but fear not the movie my late-nighters; it will make you laugh until your pee your pants. Hmmm…. okay maybe you should be a little scared then, because that will be a bit of an ugly mess, wouldn’t it? Writers Jon Lewis and Scott Moore teamed up with director Todd Phillips to bring us what is hands-down the funniest movie of 2009.

Quick. Your buddy is getting married. What part of the activities are you most looking forward to? Now if you’re a guy, than we can eliminate the ceremony right away. Most guys look for an excuse to skip the church part, even when they are in the wedding. A few guys out there might have said the reception and who can blame them as Owen Wilson and Vince Vaughn have proven they are filled with free alcohol and a ton of women. For some reason, that is a lethal combination for most men. However, I’m guessing most men picked the time-treasured tradition of a bachelor party as the best part of their buddy getting married.

I don’t know how us guys pulled it off, but somehow we got women to not only be okay with, but to expect us to partake in what equals a get out of jail free card. “Hunny, the kids need to get their baths.” “I’m sorry dear I would do it except for I have that thing for Roger tonight. You know with it being his wedding and all next weekend.” Then she says something like this; “Oh, is that tonight. I’m sorry hunny, I will take care of the kids. Make sure Roger has a good time and you be good, okay?” This is where you really pour it on thick. “Of course I will dear, you know I’m not even sure I really want to go and all, but I’m afraid it would bother Roger. I mean what’s it look like if I don’t show?”

In the movie, The Hangover, four friends take to Las Vegas to explore this marital right of passage. They wake up the next morning only to find they have a few problems. Number one, they can’t remember a single thing about last night. Now that must have been a heck of a party. Then they also have this little problem with having a few uninvited guests in their hotel room. No big worry; it’s just a tiger and a baby. That happens all the time right?

Time to check out. Wait a minute something is missing? There are only three of us. Who is missing? Oh, it’s just Doug. It’s not like he is the one that is getting married today or anything. Crap, that’s right, he is. The three friends must now retrace their last night’s steps and find Doug, which might be a bit hard since they can’t remember a darn thing.

Congratulations Bradley Cooper, Ed Helms, Zach Galifianakis, and Justin Bartha. These four actors were all relatively unknowns on the big screen before this movie, but played off of each other incredibly bringing a grade “A” slapstick comedy to the screen. Make sure to watch the credits or you will miss some hilarious and kind of gross stuff. Great news for everybody that loved this movie as much as me, Hangover 2 is currently in development! I’m going to rate this movie as an 8.5 out of 10.

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